Who We Are
The Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. (PTSI) is the largest private non-government organization engaged in the detection, control, and treatment of tuberculosis in the Philippines since 1910.
What We Do
PTSI is a non-profit and private organization that has been at the forefront in the battle against tuberculosis since 1910. To this day, the Institute complements the government’s National Tuberculosis Control Program in the detection, treatment, and control of tuberculosis in the country.
PTSI is led by an 11-member Board of Directors spearheaded by its President, Dr. Camilo C. Roa Jr. It operates with the Quezon Institute as its hospital arm, the Research and Training Divisions for technical support, the Field Operating Division to manage its provincial chest clinics and dispensaries, the Finance Department to safeguard its assets and resources, and the Fund-Raising Department to generate funds and spread awareness on TB.
With its wide provincial network, PTSI actively implements the Community Outreach Program and Education (COPE) Initiative in eight field branches across the country. Through COPE, PTSI finds and treats TB patients in areas with limited access to public health facilities. PTSI also disseminates information and education on TB in several hard-to-reach areas across the Philippines.

Our Vision
To become the leading partner in the elimination of tuberculosis (TB) in the Philippines
Our Mission
PTSI takes a leading role in the elimination of TB in the Philippines by being a trusted, valued, proactive, and reliable partner for all key stakeholders in the country. We believe that the elimination of TB will bring not only better quality of life for Filipinos but will also add significantly to our socio-economic development.
We are committed to achieve this Mission by focusing on several key areas where we believe PTSI can take leadership in:
- Research
- Training
- Clinical management
- Innovative community approaches
PTSI will commit the needed resources, financial and human, as well as the focus, commitment, and engagement of top leadership in achieving this Mission.
Our Values
We impart care in ways that are meaningful and valuable to the individual patient and their families.
We commit to leave no Filipino TB patient untreated.
We go beyond expertise by taking a holistic approach to addressing the needs of our patients.
We uphold honesty, ethical behavior, and strong moral principles.
We responsibly manage resources entrusted to us by our donors and partners in full trust and confidence.
We continuously seek new, better, and sometimes unconventional ways of doing things towards our goal of eliminating TB.
We share goals, resources, time, and effort with others in order to achieve desired outcomes.