PTSI Research Studies
As the technical arm of PTSI, the Research Division’s primary role is to develop and strengthen the research capabilities of the institution. It creates and evaluates research project proposals to be conducted by the Society, and identifies potential funding by local institutional sponsors and international grants.
Some of our published research studies include:

Dr. Jubert Benedicto, M.D., 2011
Tuberculosis (TB) poses a significant occupational risk among healthcare workers (HCWs) in a TB high burden country. This study documents latent TB infection among HCWs assigned in the medical wards and medical intensive care units of 10 tertiary hospitals. HCWs were followed up over an approximate two year period and were monitored for active TB. Possible risk factors associated with these conditions were likewise identified.

Ma. Phillina Pablo-Villamor, M.D. et al., March 2011
The epidemic of diabetes mellitus poses a threat for global tuberculosis (TB) control. This study attempts to assess the value of screening for diabetes in Filipino adult patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and reviews the disease burden, clinical and radiographic manifestations, rates of sputum smear positivity and time to conversion, treatment outcomes, and fatality rates, in the local setting.

Dr. Jubert Benedicto, M.D., 2011
Private sector involvement is essential for the success of the National TB Program. However, despite the introduction of the Public-Private Mix Directly Observed Treatment Short Course (DOTS) initiative, the private sector role remains limited. This study determines the feasibility and effectiveness of an alternative model for the delivery of DOTS services through private physicians engaged in single clinic or Stand-Alone Practice (SAP).